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Pos. Player Total
To Par
R1 R2 Total
1 Noun, Perry
Timber Banks GC & Marina
+5 71 78 149 $400.00
2 Lipari, Frank
Tuscarora Golf Club
+14 77 81 158 $250.00
3 Rayo, Michael
Greenview Country Club
+24 84 84 168 $150.00
4 Barnes, Roy
2018 SDGA Associate Member
+28 85 87 172 $0.00
5 Grovine, Charles
Audi Membership Fee
+42 98 88 186 $0.00
6 Bollenbacher, Ed
Radisson Greens Golf Club
+48 93 99 192 $0.00
7 Normoyle, John
Audi Membership Fee
+52 98 98 196 $0.00
8 Haskins, Dick
Onondaga Golf and CC
+54 94 104 198 $0.00
9 Grabowski, Robert
Arrowhead GC
+56 106 94 200 $0.00
10 Pensabene, Dominick
Arrowhead GC
+62 101 105 206 $0.00
11 Olson, Gus
Audi Membership Fee
+76 112 108 220 $0.00
12 Maurer, John
Beaver Meadows Golf Club
+114 131 127 258 $0.00
Total Purse Allocated: $800.00